Nestled in Chetai village, Almora, in the state of Uttarakhand, is a small community producing cosmetics and hand-crafted luxury bath soaps, herbal infusions to seasonings and grains, that are free from chemicals, artificial colours and preservatives. SOS Organics, run by Amrita and Santosh, is an ongoing experiment dedicated as a model for holistic sustainable living across villages in the Himalayas. ‘Our vision is to foster and partner with local communities who are integral to SOS Organics and share our philosophy that Mother Nature has provided us with an abundance of resources to improve our health and well-being without disrupting the balance’, says Amrita. ‘Since we believe in harnessing what nature has to offer, we run our entire project only on rainwater harvesting and do not have any other water source’. Santosh adds, ‘we at SOS Organics believe in a holistic approach and are committed to ethical business, natural farming and the preservation of the environment.’
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