
Discounts kill brands. If you’re scouting for a price-off, you’re at the wrong place. 98fields is all about artisanal producers and sellers, who are pursuing their passion. They support the local farmers and community and take great pains to make quality produce available to you. Margins are thin, and a fair chunk of the margins go towards helping out the farmers.

If you’re a regular at 98fields (and we sure hope you are, or are going to be), you would appreciate this thinking and be its champion.

However we humans love surprises. So, here’s the deal. Write and share your thoughts on healthy eating, organic farming, farmers, sustainability, forgotten or secret recipes, and other such related topics; start a discussion even. If our moderators love your piece, we will publish it on our platform. And as a token of our appreciation, send a little something your way. Sounds good?